Donate to Our Charity

Contribute to a new generation of thriving young women and gender-diverse individuals

“Fire & Flower provided a framework for girls to discover what it means to be them and part of a community. It also provided a profound way for families to recognize their daughters – really see them – for the unique and powerful people that they are. My daughter enjoyed being challenged to own her place in the world with the support of strong, compassionate and authentic women.”

Renee Frappier


Gift self-identified girls and gender-diverse youth something most of us never had:
To Be Honoured In Their
Rite Of Passage Into Young Womanhood/Adulthood

Fire & Flower operates under our parent charity nonprofit United Girls of the World Society (UGWS). As such, we are pleased to issue tax receipts for all donations.

UGWS was created in 2017 with the purpose of addressing and preventing problems faced by girls, women and non-binary individuals by advancing their well-being by developing and providing programs and educational tools for them and their families on issues affecting their welfare. It was founded by Madeleine Shaw to support G Day for Girls, day-long rite of passage events to welcome youth ages 10-12 into adolescence. When the G Day team decided to no longer produce events in 2020, the charity was transferred and Fire and Flower Girls took over to continue this good work. This act of deep sisterhood and friendship is part of the positive legacy we are collectively creating for girls, gender-diverse youth and women.

For donations $500 or greater, please e-transfer us at Tax receipts will be emailed to you in February.

Please note, we use Canada Helps to facilitate our online donations. Once your donation is made you will automatically receive a receipt to your email from Canada Helps.

How to Make a Contribution

Securely make a contribution online using our donation form or

By Cheque

Please make any cheques out to United Girls of the World Society and mail to 1903 - 9603 Manchester Dr, Burnaby, BC V3N 4Y7. Please do not mail cash. Tax receipts will be emailed to you in February.

By E-transfer

For donations $500 or greater, please e-transfer us at Tax receipts will be emailed to you in February.

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